eagle bay explorers

The Explorers are an essential part of the vibrant Eagle Bay Community.
Seeing a need for supervised educational and fun social time for their kids, Miriam Denhollander and Kat Fitchett dreamt up a program to bring together like-minded parents and children. Thanks to a grant from the Shuswap Children's Association for hall rental costs and the support of the Eagle Bay Community Association, what began as a small gathering has now grown to 23 excited children!
While the Explorers are on summer break now until September, plan to join us in the fall on Tuesday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:30 pm at the hall for an adventure-packed program!
For more information, check out the monthly reports below or reach out to Miriam or Kat at eaglebayexplorers@gmail.com.
monthly reports
Check out what the Explorers have been up to each month!