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community services

In 1984, Peter Malinowski, Kent Esterbrook, Tom Wrinch and Pat Ferguson got the idea of a Fire Department for Eagle Bay.  A vote was taken and the Fire Department idea was defeated by a few no votes.


Six years later on January 10, 1990, a letter was sent to the CSRD stating there was renewed interest for a Volunteer Fire Department and included a list of volunteers. That letter was signed by Jerry Normand. A referendum was held June 30, 1990, and the yes voters squeaked through this time.


A public meeting was held on September 12, 1990, at the community hall. Fire Suppression, Steering, Building, Equipment and Volunteer Firefighter Committees were struck.


Many volunteer labour hours went into the building of the Fire Hall, which enabled the Fire Department to be up and running under budget. The original little Hummingbird Bay Fire Brigade donated firefighter pants, jackets, helmets and some equipment.  Ken Proteau volunteered to be the chief for one year and then Jerry Normand.


The Eagle Bay Volunteer Fire Hall officially opened on August 12th, 1991 and the first call out was a lightning strike on Dolan Road.


Eagle Bay Fire Department welcomes those interested in recruitment, those looking for more information please contact Alan Rendell 250-517-0492. He will be happy to answer any questions. You can keep up to date on lots of fire related and fire department news on our “Eagle Bay Fire Department” Facebook page or on Instagram. You will also find more information about current burning regulations and the CSRD’s FireSmart initiatives.

Eagle Bay Fire Dept

Eagle Bay Community Church

The Eagle Bay Heritage Community Church has been an important part of our community since it was originally built in 1945.   Since that time the little church has undergone a number of facelifts and has hosted many services, weddings, baptisms and funerals.  The adjacent cemetery is the final resting place for many Eagle Bay pioneer families and a walk through the grounds will result in recognition of community names like Galligan, Turgeon and Whitehead.   


Today you will find a small but mighty congregation and most recently the addition of a Sunday School as more young families choose to live in Eagle Bay.  The non denominational church does not have a regular minister, but rather enjoys the services of a variety of pastors and hosts services on a weekly basis.


Check out our history page for more information about the church and enquiries can be directed to Lynne Hansen 250-675-5038.


Looking for a loved one?  The Eagle Bay Cemetery is listed on the website Find a Grave.

Eagle Bay Community Church

We should always be prepared for emergencies whether man made or made by Mother Nature.  It is very important during any emergency incident to have clear lines of accurate information and local people you know and trust to supply this information.


Eagle Bay has started to create a network of local community members who have stepped up to act as coordinators should an emergency happen in our area. Theses community members are known as Neighbourhood Emergency Preparedness Teams (NEP). Download the list for contact information and areas covered by these NEP’s at present.


The Columbia Shuswap Regional District and the Eagle Bay Fire Department work closely with the local NEP’s to provide accurate and up to date important information as required. So your local NEP is a good source to contact. You will see that there are still many areas of Eagle By that do not yet have a designated NEP and we are always looking for extra community residents to step up and become NEP coordinators in their local area. If you would like to find out more information about becoming a NEP coordinator in the Eagle Bay area please contact:


Cathy Semchuk
Emergency Program Facilitator, Operations Management
CSRD D: 250.833.5927 | C: 250.517-8071. E: | W:



Since it's inception in 1984, Eagle Bay Camp has continued to grow and become a very popular camp in the BC Interior and an important part of the Eagle Bay Community.  


The Eagle Bay Camp occupies all of nearly 23 acres (including 1375 feet of beautiful lakefront) that was originally owned by the Adleys who very much wanted this amazing property to be enjoyed by many. They fulfilled that dream when they were connected to the Christian & Missionary Alliance who were looking for a property to develop a camp.  Frank and Marion sold the property but lived in their home for as long as they were able to manage and although they have now both passed away, their dreams are heard in the echos of laughter throughout. 



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Those same sounds that Frank and Marion enjoyed continue to be heard from the camp as they welcome school groups, weekly program campers and retreats.  If you are out on the water you may not only hear the laughter but see the campers enjoying the beachfront or hear shrieks from their zipline.  


If you are interested in learning more about the camp please contact Ric and Charlene Cyr, Camp Directors or visit their website at  

Eagle Bay Camp

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Eagle Bay Community Association

4326 Eagle Bay Road

Eagle Bay BC V0E 1T0


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Eagle Bay is situated within the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territory of the Secwépemc People

© 2024 Eagle Bay Community Association

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